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Hey friends! Happy you’re here! 


Rooted Outdoors is the umbrella to a future brand of change, love, and all things outdoors. 


The heart behind the brand was built with one person in mind, my good friend Zach Feldman. He was a walking example of what this brand stands for. He loved the outdoors and would brighten anyone’s day. Not only was he rooted in the outdoors, but he was rooted in Christ.


I believe our purpose is found in sharing God’s love. In Colossians 2:6-7 it says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” The face of the brand symbolizes being rooted in the outdoors and what better place to spend time with God than in His beautiful creation.


Shortly after meeting Zach he was diagnosed with cancer. He fought and conquered. God worked miracles. Two years later, he was in a vehicle accident and on June 2nd the person who had become my best friend went to be with the Lord. He was one of the strongest people I’ve ever met and was loved by many. In his honor I wanted to create a brand. A brand that reminds me of him and allows me to make a difference the way he did in my life. This is where Rooted Outdoors was born. 


In memory of Zach, a portion of all proceeds will be donated to help those fighting cancer. I hope you will support the brand in knowing you’ll be touching other lives, all the while getting to wear and represent a brand that goes beyond loving the outdoors, but also standing firm and being rooted in love. 


Once the brand is up and going, I plan to expand by hosting outdoor events and more. I will also be posting stories/testimonials of the lives being changed by Rooted Outdoors. If you would like to know more or have a story to share, please connect with me. I’d love to chat.


 Thank you for all the support!

In memory of Zach, much love!
Cristin Morgan
Rooted Outdoors, LLC


In Loving Memory

Zach Feldman

March 23, 1994 - June 2, 2021

The Heart Behind the Brand

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